School of Online Education, Peking University


Site Name: School of Online Education, Peking University

Site Description: Peking University's modern distance education aims to serve society and students, and is committed to ensuring and improving teaching quality. It adheres to the development of Peking University's advantageous majors and fully utilizes Peking University's strong faculty and abundant teaching resources to carry out distance education. At present, there are 12 undergraduate specialties, including advertising, human resources management, law, international economy and trade, finance, financial management, marketing, risk management and insurance, administrative management, Chinese language and literature, information management and information systems, computer science and technology. At the same time, non academic courses such as "Chinese as a foreign language" and "Primary and Secondary School Teacher Education" have been set up.

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Category: Education and training >> distance learning

Index date: 2009-12-28 09:25:00

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