Jilin University of Chemical Technology

Domain: www.jlict.edu.cn

Site Name: Jilin University of Chemical Technology

Site Description: Jilin University of Chemical Technology was founded in 1958 and is located in Jilin City, a famous city of rime and ice in China. It is located at the foot of Longtan Mountain and beside the Songhua River. In summer, the mountains and waters are green and the scenery is beautiful; In winter, the snow willows of the Han River and the jade trees and Qionghua are good places to study and pursue knowledge. The school focuses on undergraduate engineering education, develops graduate education, and enrolls students nationwide. Over the past 50 years, we have trained tens of thousands of high-level and intermediate technical and management talents, making positive contributions to the modernization construction of our country.

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Category: social sciences >> University Department/College

Index date: 2009-11-30 09:07:00

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